"Dedicated to Youth, Conservation, and the bass anglers of New Mexico"
Let us know if you want to become a member, there are a lot of new benefits for 2025 and you don't have to join a club to be a member. For more information send an email to president@nmbfn.com
If anyone needs any assistance with the form please email Manda Tarr and she’ll reach out with any help you may need. She is handling all clothing orders in 2025 for all members.
Club dues can be made payable to NM Bass Nation and mailed to (include your club roster):
Jen Ortega
1813 Neat Lane SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
If you want to join and are not affiliated with a club, please contact president@nmbfn.com. You need to be a Bassmaster member, complete a boater safety certificate (all anglers, free, course varies by state), complete a NMBN liability waiver (linked below), and pay $70 dues ($70 = $30 to Bass Nation and $40 to NMBN).
Each club has their own liability form required for 2025.
2025 Cedar Cove Bass Anglers Angler Liability, Boating Safety Certificate and Boaters Liability form
2025 Cortez Bassmasters Angler Liability, Boating Safety Certificate and Boaters Liability form
NMBN would like to thank our 2025 sponsors and encourage everyone to do business with these great companies. Our sponsors include: